
Welcome to the home of the Soap Factory Gang.
If, after browsing through our catalog of original, vintage or otherwise unusual objects and art, you sense that you've entered a surprisingly tasteful flea market or honey hole of a yard sale, then our ambition has worked. If not, we're probably not for you, but thanks for visiting.
Some questions you might have...
What is the Soap Factory Gang?
In short: The SFG is a collective idea embodied by a sprightly band of like-minded individuals, as it has been since it's creation in 1918. Today, we are a collection of artists, designers, collectors and curators, hailing from Austin, TX, with an eye for the interesting, the unusual and the extra ordinary.
How'd it come to be?
The original incarnation, circa 1918, was devised by a small group of close friends, a writer, an illustrator, a banker and an insurance man, among others. The friends created the not-so-clandestine band of merry pranksters to be known as the Soap Factory Gang. The Gang would convene periodically to set aside any monotony that accompanied their day-to-day work and family obligations and, for a few days at a time, enjoy their many shared interests.

Interests that included numerous rounds of golf, bird hunting, dirty limericks, song and poetry, along with ample amounts of Scotch and pipe tobacco.
Today, if we shoot at birds, they are clay and thrown from and mechanical arm. Our jokes today would be judged equally dirty, though significantly less original and clever. And, our golf games would likely be deemed inadequate to keep up with our hallowed predecessors. It is pleasing to tell you, however, that the Gang's appreciation for Scotch has not abated.
So, what does the SFG stand for today?
In truth, SFG has evolved along with the world around us. We are Living in a time littered with "stuff". Cheap stuff, useless stuff, mass produced "stuff", good "stuff", "better" stuff, "bland" stuff... Aside from good liquor, wine and beer, each of is compelled to sift through stuff and find or create the best stuff of all the stuff. And, most importantly, we love to share that stuff.
But why call yourselves the Soap Factory Gang?
Yes, it's true that soap never had much to do with the goings-on of the Soap Factory Gang and it's members. Gang legend has it that original member, Burr Swezey (no doubt day dreaming), was inspired from a song about a "beautiful yet humble gal who toiled by day in a soap factory, but left her nights a mystery." And thus, like many a good thing, it is left to the imagination.
But, think not too hard upon the name, nor judge to harshly the purpose of the work we create, as you people are likely to throw many a monkey-wrench into the machinery. That is assuming you can find the wrenches and get near enough to the machinery.
How can I join the 'gang'?
Email us at [email protected]